Monday, October 28, 2013

The Proposal

So... yesterday I got engaged to the love of my life. I'm seriously on cloud nine and don't know what to do with myself. I keep looking at the ring to remind myself it actually happened, we're actually getting married!!!! And because I had the BEST proposal EVER!!! And because I know everyone always wants to hear how it happened I decided to put it on this blog that I never write on so I can go into as much detail as I want and add pictures.

So in September Mason said he started to think of ideas of how to propose and he thought of the Notebook because that's my favorite movie and he thought of the boat scene that's so iconic. So my man decided to build me A BOAT!!!! Yepp, you heard that right, a boat :) He said it was daunting and at times really frustrating but man ohhh man it is the prettiest thing you'll ever see!!

So yesterday was Sunday the 27th of October and it was any normal day, I went to church, but Mason wasn't there. He told me had had a ton of homework but I could come over after church. (Little did I know he was actually finishing the boat). A week before he had asked for my dad's permission to marry me, my parent's being the parents they are, recorded it so that we can have it to listen to (I listened to it last night and couldn't stop crying, it's a special moment not many girls get to hear, a talk between their boyfriend and their father. I am grateful that I know have those special times recorded to listen to) Anyways.... so after church I went over to his house and I did not suspect a thing! He was acting completely normal and nothing out of the ordinary. We watched Psych :), went downtown and got some food, walked around and talked, it was just a normal day, then he had to run some errands (now I see that he was stalling until it was time) but we went around doing a few things and he kept commenting on the sunset. I reminded of him of the time we watched the sunrise and he said we should watch the sunset. In my mind I thought, this would be the prettiest time to get engaged. So we drove to upper Bidwell Park and still I had nooo idea! Little did I know Pierce and Chandler had driven there earlier to put the boat in the spot and make sure everything went smoothly. We got out of the car and started walking down the path, I meanwhile was talking about the one time I caught a fish and then we cut it's head off and skinned it and what not. He wasn't talking at all and he starting taking me off the path and down to the water and I started to wonder what was going on. He put his hand on my shoulder and told me gently, "Leah, I think it's time for you to stop talking now."He turned me and I saw behind the tree the most beautiful exquisite boat I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!! I saw my name on it and instantly started crying!!! The sun was setting, there was hardly any one out there, I was there with my man and he had made me a boat, I couldn't stop crying! It was all so perfect!

This is what I saw when I looked past the tree. IS THAT NOT PERFECT?!?!?!? Here's another picture!

He then turned to me and asked me if I was ready, I was crying sooo much but was able to mumble out a yes as he helped me into the boat. Once we were both in he proceeded to tell me that this was the first time the boats been on water so he wasn't 100% sure if it would float or not. I could have cared less, everything was just so surreal and perfect. He rowed us out into the middle of the lake and we sat there in peace and he proceeded to tell me all this wonderful, mushy, gushy stuff. He told me he thought he would be nervous, but he felt so much peace because he's never been so sure of anything in his life. I proceeded to cry more (if that's possible). He asked me to stand up (luckily the boat was wide so we didn't rock) and he got down on one knee, pulled out the ring and asked me to marry him! I said YES of course :) and went down to hug him, forgetting we were on a boat so I quickly had to sit back down as we sat there laughing and crying and he put the ring on my finger. We sat in the middle of the lake for a good 10 minutes just enjoying the moment, talking and laughing, enjoying the most magical and beautiful moment of my life. He rowed us back to shore, we got out of the boat and he said, now are you ready for the next part? I thought he meant marriage so of course I said yes. He then proceeded to tell me there was a party waiting for us to celebrate. I was absolutely taken aback!!! We got in the car and prayed together. By the time we were driving back most of the crying had stopped and I was finally able to find words and kept jumping in my seat squealing!!! I couldn't believe that I was now engaged to Mason Philip Jaynes!! <3

We showed up at Jeff's parents house and as we walked up to the door I started crying and so he opened the door and in we walked to friends and family yelling congratulations! I was awestruck! The place was completely decorated, I had family and friends who had come from out of town! There were desserts and drinks, flowers, decorations, so much love and so much support! We talked with some people and then they had us sit down to tell the proposal story and afterwards they prayed over us. I have never felt so loved by so many people. Even today I am humbled by everyones words of encouragement and love towards Mason and I!!! The rest of the night consisted of more laughter, tears of joy, screaming and all around love. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect proposal, but more importantly I couldn't have asked for a better fiancé! A man so rooted in Christ, who is funny, loving, adventurous, and my best friend. I am overcome with emotion and I am excited to be able to enjoy this time of engagement and I can't wait to celebrate with everyone the big day when we become husband and wife!!! <3 <3

Here are some more pictures of the night!!

Everyone wanted pics of the newly engaged couple!! <3

My best friend Rosie and I!! I am so blessed by her love and support!!! <3

My roommate from college drove from Simpson after a soccer game just to be there for the celebration!!!

The people who did all the decorations and planning!!! <3 <3

I was so excited!! <3

Lydia's super excited to have a brother!!! <3 <3

We are SOOOO thankful and so overjoyed!!! Thank you for all the love and support from everyone!!! <3 <3 The future Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes <3

1 comment:

  1. Leah...this is seriously one of the most amazing days of your life. Take comfort in the love you and Mason share on this day everyday because this love will be their always. I'm so happy for you!!!!! XOXO---Samantha
