Friday, June 14, 2013

Reality People

So lately I’ve been realizing my goal in life is to make people feel uncomfortable, to make them squirm in their seats and to make them rethink how they are living life. 

For instance, lately with the release of The Hunger Games and in a few months the premiere of Catching Fire I’ve heard a lot of people complaining and being surprised that a book that violent has become such a success. So to those people I hear complain about how inhumane the book is and how inappropriate it is, I simply see it as an opportunity to strike them with reality. Because the truth is, child soldiers are real. Sure the Hunger Games is a fictional story in a different land and time, but the idea of child soldiers is not something new. In fact currently there are estimated 250,000 children around the world who are taken against their will, taken away from their families, some used to kill their own families, and then forced to live a grueling, fearful and painful life. 

So for those of you that keep bashing this ‘hypothetical world where children are used to fight to the death against other children’ use that anger to drive you to support a cause that is fighting to save REAL child soldiers.

-soul searcher

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